


Happy World Pangolin Day! These are the world’s most trafficked mammals so don’t buy them or their scales please!  
Photo by Scott Hurd

it’s not pangolin day but come December 17th you won’t be allowed to reblog this anymore

i’ve been studying animals all my life & i am still occasionally surprised by Things That Have Tits That You Wouldn’t Expect To



my fav thing in wildlife research is the concept of animals being “trap happy” meaning the same animal goes into a trap on purpose again and again after it’s caught the first time bc it was like “hey…..there was food in there and Zero (0) predators and then they just let me go in the morning…….”

on one hand it fucks up our data but on the other hand……..I Get It you Funky Little Rodents

if it were pouring rain on my walk home from work at night and I found a big metal box full of pizza and a bed where no one else could bother me and the only condition is that in the cold light of day I’d have to face a bunch of scientists weighing me and then letting me go on the sidewalk I’d probably end up in there a lot.