


Happy World Pangolin Day! These are the world’s most trafficked mammals so don’t buy them or their scales please!  
Photo by Scott Hurd

it’s not pangolin day but come December 17th you won’t be allowed to reblog this anymore

i’ve been studying animals all my life & i am still occasionally surprised by Things That Have Tits That You Wouldn’t Expect To




i stand in solidarity with the houston journalist who tweeted, on her work account, to 125,000 followers, “O’Rourke is like the guy who is all sweet and nerdy but holds you down and makes you cum until your calves cramp”

me after getting dragged for using my work twitter account to post about how i want beto o’rourke to hold me down and make me cum until my calves cramp: this is exactly like hillary clinton losing the presidential election




HOW!!!??? DO PEOPLE???!!!!? DISLIKE!!!!! WOLVES?????????

Well my best friend had a boyfriend in high school who manipulated her and another friend into joining a cult based on the idea that they were all a part of a wolf pack in a past life. So none of us are the biggest fans of wolves anymore.

@cutecreative @mypetdragonseyebrow

this is about a one direction song but sorry about your friend





a girl i know told me how a guy she knows once moved out from his parents, ate nothing but fries and meatballs for HALF A YEAR, and got scurvy. imagine the doctor’s face when this guy shows up with like his gums bleeding and the doc has to fucking say DUDE…. THATS SCURVY…. in this day and age

this is turning into a “how a person i know got scurvy” thread and im so here for this, please share your scurvy stories if you have any

the other day someone posted pics from the reddit page r/zerocarbs where these fools only ate meat and 0 vegetables or fruits and all the posts were about various symptoms of scurvy. i died when one literally read ‘i don’t want to start the vitamin C debate again but’