
Here’s the deal: capitalism has caused many genuinely horrible things, but we’re talking things like “utterly trashed the environment” and “caused people to die from treatable illnesses because they lost their job” and “led to companies deliberately inducing insecurities about relatively minor things in order to get people to spend money to fix these not real problems”. Criticism of it is valid.

However, under a different economic system – yes, even full communism – you would still need to work because art is great and you should have the free time in which to do it but your guitar songs don’t grow tomatoes and your fanfiction doesn’t prevent cholera from unprocessed sewage. I cannot stress enough how much you will still sometimes need to do things you do not want, you fucking children. Someone in your eco-communist society will have to handle waste management. Someone will have to wake up at ass o’clock before dawn to tend to the animals. Someone will have to do heavy physical labor in the fields. Saying “I’d rather play guitar, actually” is not going to work.

If your criticism of capitalism isn’t “here’s how it kills people” but rather “sometimes I have to do things I don’t want to do″ then you are both terribly sheltered and probably incapable of doing anything that will actually bring down capitalism in a way that doesn’t result in even more death.